Greater Things Campaign

"Whoever believes in me will also do the things that I do; and greater things than these will they do..."

-John 14:12
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Building Hope Through Healthcare


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Pledge Report

Jim and Wynelle Butts
David and Gail Chester
Linda Fowler
Hall County Commissioners
Jenny Hager
Jack Hodge
David and Shannon Hughs
George and Starlet Jones
Daniel and Julie Poole Knotts
Friends of Good News Clinics

Winnie Leclercq
John Mansfield, Jr.
John Mckibbon
Connie Mixon
Northeast Georgia Health System
Allen and Meg Nivens
Don and Dot Pirkle
Ellen Poole
Ginny Poole
Poole Family Charitable Trust

Chris Sanders
Lorry and Sherrie Schrage
George and Francis Seelke
Susan Smithson and Family
Syfan Logistics
Anne Warren Thomas
Dave and Faye Westfall
Philip and Mary Hart Wilheit
Bob and Amanda Willis
Charles and Dancy Wynne

Elisabeth Baldwin
Brad and Gail Baucom
Philip Bonelli
Buisson Foundation
Joe and Diane Chipman
Cook Law Group
Lora and Jody Cooley
Jonathan and Daniele Cothron
Nathan and Katie Crumley
Mohak and Katie Dave
Dillard Family Fund
Larry and Katie Dudas

Robert and Julie Ferguson
Greg and Sherri Frankum
Anne George
Frank and Lillie Mae Green Fund
Ben and Suzie Hawkins
Greg and Katherine Herzog
Rusty and Susan Hopkins
Susan Barker Johnson
Margaret Ann Keener
Ben Lancaster
Buddy and Evie Langston
Paul and Glenna Maney
Betty Mansfield

Clark and Jan McDonald
Pete and Cathy Miller
David and Betsey Jennings Powell
Kevin and Marcia Price
Zach and Katie Propes
Debbie Cortjens
Antonio Rios and Margaret S. Schutte
Whit and Tracy Seelke
Patrick and Ellen Toms
Mike Smith and Dixie Truelove
Spencer and Carla Walker
Philip and Kate Zoercher