Good News Clinics was founded in late 1992 by a group of physicians and clergy members in two rooms of a local housing project. The growing organization soon moved to two small rooms inside of Good News at Noon, a local Christian ministry and shelter for the homeless.

In 1994, more than $250,000 was raised to renovate a storage building into a medical facility with 3 patient exam rooms and 2,000 square feet of space for growth.
In 1997, two dental exam rooms were added, marking the opening of the Green Warren Dental Clinic. The Dispensary was added as medications were obtained from prescription assistance programs, physician samples, and purchases made at cost through the local hospital, Northeast Georgia Medical Center.
GNC moved into the current facility, expanding to almost 9,000 square feet. The new building featured nine medical and four dental exam rooms, a full dispensary, and a laboratory. The facility also included x-ray equipment and an ophthalmology room.
The Health Access Initiative (HAI) was officially assumed by Good News Clinics, now operating under the same umbrella. HAI is Good News Clinics referral program, both incoming and outgoing referrals to local community partners.
The building was expanded to add an additional 2,000 square feet, which became the G. Warren Thomas Patient Education Center. The new space includes administrative and Health Access offices, patient intake and counseling rooms, a break room and a patient education room.
Second facility was purchased with expansion on the horizon
Greater Things Capital Campaign began with a goal of raising $8 million to expand facilities and services.
Facility expansion was completed and Greater Things Campaign met its original goal of $8 million. Medial service capacity has now increased by 60%, Counseling services have grown by 75%
Help Good News Clinics
Share the gift of health and healing with our neighbors in need in Gainesville and Hall County by donating time or resources to Good News Clinics.