Why We Need Your Help

This week is like none other in the history of our nation and community.  Around the globe we are all adapting to the COVID-19 crisis.  Who knew that in a few short days operations could undergo and entire overhaul.  We are doing many things for the first time at our clinic; rationing personal protective equipment (PPE), referring patients for COVID testing, teletherapy, nutrition counseling by phone, checking temperatures at the door, drastically reducing in-person patient visits through telemedicine, operating a “sick visit tent” outside for patients.  These are unprecedented times.

The Clinics are committed to joining our larger healthcare system in both slowing the curve and keeping people out of Northeast Georgia Medical Center by managing chronic disease in the poor of Hall County.  We are part of the effort to keep that big, blue tent in front of the NGHS emergency room empty.  Keeping patients who suffer from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, COPD, autoimmune conditions and any number of health concerns is imperative at this time.  Our patients have no other access to healthcare due to lack of insurance and low-income status.

We join Northeast Georgia Health System in urging you to stay home and well.  Do your part to prevent the spread of this dangerous virus.  We also urge you to help us help those who cannot go without healthcare and must continue being treated for chronic conditions and illness.  Help keep Good News Clinics operational—however that might change—to provide care for the 3,500 patients who call us their healthcare home.

To our partners in healthcare; we pray protection and guidance.

To our patients; do not fear, God and Good News Clinics are with you.

To our stakeholders and donors, we need your help–please give, the need is urgent.

“Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.”  (Matthew 4:1-2) As we enter into a new kind of wilderness, let us follow the One we serve by choosing faith over fear.  Let us be angels to one another during this time.  Some among us are already hungry, and some will certainly exit this wilderness hungry.  But, our God provides for His people and most often, it is through one another’s hands, words, and actions.