During this time of ever-changing protocols and social distancing designed to slow and reduce the spread of a new virus, I am reminded of the importance of maintaining the stabilizing forces in our lives. There are the social forces–the institutions that meet needs in trying times by creating security, both physically and emotionally. There are the spiritual forces–those  people, churches, places, and prayers which sustain us. 

The Clinics has long been a stabilizing force for Hall County. For nearly thirty years, Good News Clinics has been managing chronic disease in patients who would otherwise be forced to keep circling back to the hospital because they could not afford medical treatment and prescriptions to stay well. The Clinics has been keeping our neighbors stable for decades. Right now, in this time of instability, The Clinics is continuing to carry out that mission with faith, hope, and love to our patients. We are keeping our over 3,500 patients well and out of the hospital for those who truly need emergency care or a bed in which to recover from illness or surgery. We are a stabilizing force which plays an important role in the overall healthcare system of our community. 

As we walk together through unknown territory, I am reminded that we are called to “FEAR NOT.”  As people who follow a loving God, we are called to hope and generosity. Right now, The Clinics needs your help to fund our efforts as we carry out our mission and responsibility to this community.    

I find that these words have been just right for these times: 

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things… And the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:8-9)  

Liz Coates, Executive Director
Good News Clinics